Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Teachers Point of View

As a high school teacher I have to be a facilitator-guide and a sage who imparts knowledge. I believe that teaching and learning are creative and very social. Based on my understanding, in order for some students to become productive learners; teachers should understand what is occurring inside students minds. As well, as what methods will help retain and retrieved that knowledge. Cognitive principles relates to how information is process in the mind (referred to Atkinson-Shiffrin model pg. 159). In addition, cognitive also deals with how the mind stores, organizes, retrieves and incorporates new information.The following are some of the ways I incorporated cognitive principles to my classroom, through metacognition ( schema) , rehearsal , elaboration ( activating prior knowledge) , note taking , verbal learning ( Paired- associate , serial , free-recall) , and analogies. Students now a day has a very short attention span, as a teacher I have to become eclectic. In the constructivist classroom the teacher becomes a guide for the learner, providing bridging or scaffolding (mediated learning), helping to extend the learner's zone of proximal development.Constructivist theory relates to Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development, social interaction helps the student learn. The student is encouraged to develop metacognitive skills such as problem solving skills and reflective thinking. The self-sufficient learner is essentially motivated to generate, discover, build and enlarge their own framework of knowledge. In my classroom I observed and applied constructivist through cooperative learning, discovery learning, self- regulated learning and mediated learning. I will start my class by pre-assessing my students, to check their prior knowledge (cognitive theory of elaboration).If my students are having difficulty remembering what they learn from previous classes, than I will start scaffolding. I will give the students prompts, so that the prompts will trigger their short term memory (working memory). The prompts will give them a foundations and than they built on it and hopefully becoming independent learner. Mediated learning is applied in my class, I will show them how to perform a lab and than they will mix chemicals on their own. Their product or conclusion should be similar to my expectations. Another method that I applied in my classroom is cooperative learning.According to Vygotsky’s, students working with their peers will allow them to think out loud (private speech) and work in a thinking zone where they are comfortable at. If some of my students understand a concept that I am teaching I will break my class in groups. In each group, each member is at different cognitive level and they will assist each other. They will discuss, check each other understanding and see the concept from a different point of view. Another method that I utilized is â€Å"Group Investigation†. Each group will pick a topic and they will dis cuss, learn about that topic and than present on that topic.One of the methods that I incorporated cognitive theories is through verbal learning. In my class, if we encounter a lesson or word that is hard to remember we will associate it to another word. For instance, when we covered the Periodic Table students will associate the elements symbol to its name by using an image (Paired –associate learning through imagery). Another verbal learning is memorizing the elements name in alphabetically order or based on their weights, if in alphabetically order they will create a name or sentences based on the first initials of the elements (serial learning through initial-letter strategies).But the most effective way that I noticed in my class is free- recall. They will memorize the elements or body system in no particular order. Another example how cognitive is incorporated in my class is repetition, practice and elaboration. My students’ will practice a week before exam while other will practice a day before the exam. If my students want to benefit from what the practice they have to practice (study) everyday (distributed practice) rather than cram study. Elaboration is when they have to paraphrase. They will take a concept and than translate it to their own words, to check their understanding.When they are paraphrasing they also visualize what they are paraphrasing, because Paivio’s theory of memory stated that to retain something it has to be verbal and visual (dual- code). Graphic organizer is another technique that I applied in class; this allows the students to retrieve prior knowledge and applied it to their current classwork. There are a lot of techniques, for examples note taking, underlining, analogies, summarizing etc. But if the students are not using this techniques and the teacher is not incorporating different techniques the student will be limited.In conclusion, both constructivist and cognitive theories go hand in hand. There are different types of memories short term and long term (flashbulb, semantic, episodic memory) but for these memories to be activated there must be some stimuli that will trigger the activation. To retain the information the student has to use mnemonics (different memory strategies) but if information is meaningful it will be a schema in the brain. To trigger the working memory teachers should scaffold or student becomes self-regulators. But not all memories will be retain some are forgotten based on Atkinson-Shiffrin model

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

My Idea of Leadership

My idea of leadership without dominating is being able to inspire others, motivate, set a vision, communicate, and of course respect others. A leader must have an honest understanding of who they are, what they know, and what they are capable of. To be a successful leader, you have to be able to convince your followers, not just yourself or your superiors, that you are worthy of being followed. In my opinion, this can build confidence in your followers to have faith in you, in order to be able to lead. I strongly believe that good leaders are made rather, and not born.If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders are developed through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience. My personal experience as a volunteer with the Kids against Hunger Program has allowed me to demonstrate being a leader without dominating the event. As a volunteer, I often would work with people with different capabilities and personalit ies. I learned if you respected the ideas of others they would respect you and often times my thoughts and suggestions would set the tone of the initiative and others would follow.As a student you take on many responsibilities to include attending school, the completion of assignments on time, and studying. Responsibility means that I will show up to school on time and ready to learn; I will pay attention in class and I will be responsible for making sure I am participating in class and not relying on others to get me through. I realize that being responsible does not always mean that I will always accomplish my goals, but being responsible and oriented helps me to better accomplish the tasks ahead of me.I take total responsibility for my life and would rather succeed than fail. A successful leader is one that is responsible; knows their strengths and weakness and is able to set realistic and attainable goals. Attendance is a frame of mind and a leadership characteristic in that you r desire to learn sets you a part from others. This is the frame of mind I strive for on a daily basis. Participating in classroom discussions, volunteering at my part time job to taking on added responsibilities, to being a team player in DECA and helping with fund raising for children that have muscular dystrophy.My experience has taught me that community involvement can lead to leadership roles. Often times when you step forward and out of your comfort zone you are being your self-worth for the type of individual you will be in the future. A recent group project in History class is a good example where each individual had specific responsibilities; however without an individual leader our group was unable to organize our ideas. I took this opportunity to step forward and volunteered to become the group leader, obtaining the cooperation of the other team members, which ultimately lead to our successful completion.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Self-Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Self-Motivation - Essay Example Muhammad. In addition, the need to attain attention from other people also made him work harder. Lastly his envy towards other people who were able to communicate efficiently e.g. Bimbi made him yearn to reach that level. This made him look for different sources that could help him become fluent both in writing and communicating (Munisamy, 2005, p. 43). In reaction to his desires, he decided to use a dictionary in order to study the meaning of different words. This was together with tablets and pencils to write down words that he learnt. As a result, his writing speed improved and he started understanding some few words an aspect that motivated him more. Learning to use dictionary also broadened his knowledge as he came to realize that different people that belong to various races exist. This was in addition to different places of the world. Also, he was able to read books and understand the meaning of the sentences unlike previously when he could not comprehend anything. This experience improved his urge to learn more therefore, reducing his free time that he previously used in planning criminal activity that led him to prison. Instead, he used this time reading books. The experience of this person is a good lesson that what once desires can be achieved if the person devotes his effort towards achieving it. In addition, one should not be frustrated when he is unable to achieve it easily. Instead, he/she should use the frustrations as an encouragement to work harder as the results are fruitful. In addition, one should relate with the right people who can help either with material or psychological help as people with a negative attitude can reduce the motivation level. Having hailed from Uzbekistan I had a rough time communicating with my friends in United States who were fluent in English. Some of them jeered at me while other encouraged me to learn English. At first, it was hard for me to understand

Sunday, July 28, 2019

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International Business - Essay Example Inspite of these beneficiary effects, apprehensions have been elevated in Australia as well as most of the other developed countries regarding the impacts of freer global goods and services markets in respect to the trade and investment. The notion of economic globalisation has been a controversial aspect as observed by the current unrest at different World Trade Organisation (WTO) as well as World Economic Forum (WEF) conferences. The concern of the community with the notion of globalisation has not been inaccessible to the single aspect. Nevertheless sub-groups have now been coordinating their conflict into the single group that has been becoming further efficient threat to the concept of globalization (Globalisation and the Western Australia Economy, 2002, p. 1). In the post World War I period globalization has become one of the most important global aspects (Gilpin and Gilpin, 2001, p. 366). This paper is aimed at examining the definition of economic globalization and the effects that it is driving in respect to the economy of Western Australia. The research includes the evidence regarding the real effect of economic globalization, whether there have been any myths that must be dismissed and Western Australia’s position in the world economy. ... 23). All of these aspects have been attributed to the notion of globalization. As well, a growing amount of ecological and environmental aspects have been related to the process of globalisation (Kouzmin and Hayne, 1999, p. 1). These aspects have incorporated depletion of ozone layer, the biodiversity loss, as well as increments in the level of greenhouse gases along with acid rain. Several researchers, including Rodrik (2000) has heaved concerns that the notion of globalization has largely been utilized as the ‘catch-all’ slogan in the country and also within the community. This slogan has also created the consequence in it being responsible for different undesirable results. As a consequence it has been simplistic to scrutinize all the impacts outlined in different researches. It has been in effect important as it has been likely that such type of an advance would lead to blemished conclusions. It has also been significant to recognize that the notion of â€Å"globali zation is process-driven, and the merits of each of these processes should be evaluated separately – and not collectively under the banner ‘globalisation’† (Globalisation and the Western Australia Economy, 2002, p. 1). Globalization and Western Australian economy: Australia has recorded one of the most powerful levels of economic growth among all the developed nations during the 1990s. During this time the level of growth of per capita income of the country was averaging just below 3 per cent in each year. Monetary and macroeconomic policies emphasized on keeping the rate of inflation low. These policies have generated a comparatively stable economic environment for investment as

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Israel 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Israel 2 - Essay Example â€Å"In contrast to these sources which presuppose that the Omrides were strong rulers over an autonomous kingdom and in hostile relations with the Yahwistic prophets, the stories of the three battles with Ben-haded and the Elisha stories presuppose quite a different situation. Both of these narrative groups†¦depict the king or kings of Israel as international weaklings, bullied by the Syrian kings of Samaria.† (Miller and Hayes, 262) Therefore, as pointed out by Miller and Hayes, the sources relating to the Omride kings disagree over the political power of the Omrides. Similarly, the authors argue that there are significant conflicts in the sources relating to the Omride kings as the sources disagree over the sequence of Syrian kings during the period of the Omrides. The information about the sequence of Syrian kings during the period of the Omrides conflicts â€Å"with the biblical stories of the three battles with Ben-haded as well as with the Elisha stories, if one assumes that these two narrative groups are in proper context. That is, if the stories of the three battles with Ben-haded actually pertain to the last years of Ahab and the Elisha stories actually pertain to Jehoram’s reign, then we have a Ben-haded on the throne of Syria followed by Hazel rather than a Hadadezer followed by Hazel.† (Miller and Hayes, 263) Miller and Hayes provide an important picture of Omri and Ahab in international politics/affairs in the famous book A History of Ancient Israel and Judah and they give convincing evidences to establish and support their picture. According to the authors, Israel reached the zenith of its glory during the rule of Omri and Ahab. The readers are not able to gather a great picture about Omri from the documents, although he is the earliest biblical characters to be mentioned in ancient non-biblical documents and also the first king

Swift's Gulliver's Travels Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Swift's Gulliver's Travels - Essay Example he most powerful nation in the world at that time was held a prisoner by only 6inches tall Lilliputians by which Swift aims to explain why English people should consider the pride of their own country and reassess if the colonies controlled by them could get powerful enough one day to overthrow the English kingdom. At the time Gulliver’s Travels was written, search for new lands to control thrived in England and in this process the English people used to come across many new civilizations, an example of which is given in the travels by Swift in the form of Lilliputians. This voyage to Lilliput can also be seen as a conflict between opposing ideas and characters through which Swift wants to explain the obstacles experienced by the English at that time when meeting new people in their lands. According to another idea, â€Å"the effect of reducing the scale of life in Lilliput is to strip human affairs of their self-imposed grandeur† (Eddy, cited in Galloway, 1994). In contrast to Lilliput, everything about Brobdingnag appears to be gigantic and much more powerful than Gulliver himself. He realizes that even the grass is about 20ft tall there and each step taken by the giants who live there is about 10yards long in contrast to Lilliputians. Overcome by despair and fright, he begins to think of himself as a Lilliputian would if surrounded by normal humans. There too, Gulliver is taken to the court where he is bought by the queen. Later he shares his views about English politics with the king which appear humorous to him and make him remark that English people are well below the Brobdingnagians in context of wisdom and power. The king dismisses the English people as members of a low society through which Swift aims to explain the general ignorance of other nations in the world at that time which refused to embrace modernity. The trip to this island called Brobdingnag helps Gulliver to meet very big people after meeting very small people in Lillip ut. This stark change

Friday, July 26, 2019

Effective Interpersonal Relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Effective Interpersonal Relationships - Essay Example The change should transform organizations since old mental states that are immune to change would be discarded.However, anyone reading this book would benefit from the concepts presented by the authors such the four internal languages people often use that keeps them from achieving change. The authors provided a clear illustration of the steps needed so the reader can devise his own ways of making change. Change is presented as a process that can be adapted by anyone who is willing to change his attitude from within. Aside from this, the authors also presented three social languages that prevents groups or communities in making progress since the said social languages ( i.e. Language of Rules and Policies) helps them maintain a status quo. However, the main focus of the first few chapters were aimed towards the individual. But before the step-by-step process was explained, the authors emphasized the idea that most individuals are stuck not because they are helpless but because they are not aware of competing commitments that hinder their growth. These hindrances can be seen in the form of blame or complaints that individuals make in their daily lives. But only after realizing that there is a value behind a complaint, then that is the time people realign their perspective. According to the authors, it is necessary for an individual to recognize competing commitments that hold him back from becoming a better person. It is imperative that an individual assess the commitments he has and evaluate the more important ones that matter to his life. A person may need commitment to an exercise program since his health is deteriorating due to smoking: yet, his commitment to nightly socialization in the belief that this relieves his work stress stops him from developing a worthier commitment. Another enlightening fact is recognizing

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Islamic finance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Islamic finance - Research Paper Example However, there were banking activities that existed before this period although the operations were conducted in Mecca. From the historical perspective, Islamic banking can be categorized into three eras. The first era was in the early year of Islam until the time of Caliph ArRashidin. The second era of Islamic banking extends from the period of Caliphates to the fall of Uthmaniyah Empire. The third period which is the modern era is current Islamic banking. Prophet Muhammad got divine revelations that Mecca was a city of trade. There were a number of economic techniques and concepts that were used in early Islamic banking such as partnership, bills of exchange, cheques, promissory notes among others (Ahmad, 2010). Islamic banks products exclude the use of Interest which is prohibited in Islam. Rather, the Islamic banks provide an anticipated profit rate for rental rates and savings. According to Islamic Law, money should not be used to create more money. Islamic banks are required to offer services in return for a profit. Instead of the traditional accounts that have interest rates, Islamic banks offer accounts that provide profits or losses. The bank buys property with the customer money, which creates a return to the bank. In case of savings, a customer makes deposits in Al Rayan banks for an expected profit rate. Unlike interest, expected profit rate is not fixed as the profit is made through Sharia compliant investments. There is an element of risk carried in the expected profit rate, but it is usually managed by Al Rayan Bank. Islamic banks Home Purchase Plans are on the basis of leasing and co-ownership, whereby the bank and the customer purchase the property jointly. The monthly paymen ts made by the Customer little by little boost their share in the property. At the maturity of the finance term, the title of the asset is

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Lignin Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Lignin - Research Paper Example de Candolle. His explanation about lignin was that it is a fibrous material that does not have any taste, it cannot be dissolved in water or alcohol but is soluble in weak alkaline solutions, and in order extract it from the solution an acid could be added to it which would cause its precipitation. Lignin is among the most commonly found organic polymers, and only cellulose and hemicelluloses is ahead of it regarding abundance (Shi, Xiao, Deng, & Sun, 2013). Thus, lignin forms the majority of the natural resources that man has. 30% of non-fossil organic carbon is made up of lignin while making up almost one-fourth to third of the dry mass of wood. Every species contains a unique type of lignin, the difference lying in its composition. Since lignin is a biopolymer, it attains its uniqueness owing to its heterogeneity and because it does not really have a properly defined primary structure. The most important and common function of lignin is to strengthen wood in trees, which is made from xylem cells, by providing it with support. The natural state of lignin as present within a plant is known as protolignin (Kutscha & Gray, 1970). The classification of lignins depends on their structural elements. Softwoods, hardwoods and grasses contain different lignins and the reason behind the difference between the three is the different content of guaiacyl (G), syringyl (S) and p-hydroxyphenyl (H) units. Guaiacyl lignin is present in the majority of softwoods and is mainly a polymerization product of coniferyl alcohol. Hardwoods typically contain the guaiacyl-syrinngyl lignin which is a copolymer of coniferyl and sinapyl alcohols, the ration varying from 4:1 to 1:2 for the two monomeric units (Pereira, Portugal-Nunes, Evtuguin, Serafim, & Xavier, 2013). Another type is that of compression wood that is largely made up of phenylpropane units of the p-hydroxyphenyl type along with the usual guaiacyl units. At times the term syringyl lignin and p-hydroxyphenyl lignin

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Modern Warfare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Modern Warfare - Essay Example There does not seem to be the romanticized notion of patriotism so often heralded by authors within the working class. This is especially so with respect to the Vietnam war. In the draft during the Vietnam War, the middle class were almost protected. "Vietnam was more limited, and the military was determined to channel bourgeois and even middle-class youth away from combat" (Appy 1993). Indeed, it has traditionally been the working class that have been convinced that their servitude would benefit them when in fact the benefit fell to the higher classes. Promises such as forgiven student loans, GI Bills, medical insurance, a ten thousand dollar sign up bonus, promises of training that will lead to promising civilian careers and a multitude of other benefits seem like a miracle for a group of people who are not economically exposed to such seeming luxuries. Consistently, the working class, already a group accustomed to taking orders is taken advantage of. The Cold War saw miners in Canada loosing their jobs without any benefits. At first, miners were encouraged to retire with the introduction of benefit packages. However as time progressed, miners who were on the edge of retirement had to literally "hang on" in the hopes of receiving their full benefit package. Mines were operating at far less than a five day week. There was also a drop in the need of railway steam coal. World War I found the entry of women into the work force. While not at battle, women were in operation making clothes, sending supplies and still supporting their families. Thus economically speaking, the working class women were able to add to their economic circumstance. During the time between World War I and World War II, there was a loss of markets for what is considered to be staple industries. These industries included coal, iron, steel, ship making and textiles. This loss combined with technological advances which allowed for increases in production culminated in the loss of over a million jobs for the working class. The touted gains from these two wars did nothing to balm the suffering of the working class. In the Iraq war, which still looms, stop-loss (the practice of unilaterally extending a soilder's stay in his or her station) has been consistently upheld in the courts. Working class soldiers have seen that contracts are absolutely meaningless in their military and civilian world. Perhaps this is why there is not so much shock when a stop-loss tactic is pulled against them. After all, at home in civilian life, most working class employees must put in their mandatory overtime hours or they risk loosing their jobs. Fairness and promises are not concepts that the working class are accustomed to in either their military or civilian roles. Further, the working class members fail to see any of the benefits that they are promised. Veterans consistently see cutbacks in their benefits. Scandal after scandal results in exposing the utter lack of care or compassion that veterans receive. This is also so for unemployment in the working class. The New Deal Era brought many programs such as unem ployment. However, as the economy now stands, improperly

Monday, July 22, 2019

Schools Killing Creativity Essay Example for Free

Schools Killing Creativity Essay In this â€Å"TED talk† segment by Ken Robinson, an English born professor explains why the educational system in the U.S. is remaining stagnant and unfulfilling to students needs. Robinson begins his arguments by stating, â€Å"The educational system of the United States has been accompanied by the same curriculum for the past 125 years†. Schools are unknowingly turning creative minds into memorizing machines to meet the criteria of acceptance for colleges across the nation. The educational system has labeled failure as inexcusable; in return generations of children become afraid to take a risk. Robinson implies, â€Å"Failure is essential to success, when a student looks at failure as no option, they neglect their ability to grow and think for themselves†. In many parts of the nation, high school dropouts exceed the number of graduates by a 60% margin. Robinson also states that, â€Å"the current educational system is robbing students of the creative minds we are all born with†. Research proves your brain’s imaginative and creative lobes are most active during childhood years. Replacing this creativity with standardization, results in a disengaged classroom. Standardized testing produces a false evaluation of a child’s capabilities, only basing statistics on the core subjects of math, science, and literacy. The average high school dropout rate in the United States remains a staggering 60% in the majority population. Within minority populations as much of 80% of students will fail to obtain a high school diploma. Unaccounted for in these statistics are students who are disengaged in the classroom, and will get nothing out of it. America stands as a global leader in money spent on education, yet we are displacing this investment of would-be graduates within our economy, to even more money spent on repairing the result of a dropout generation. An estimated one trillion dollars of revenue within our economy could be salvaged if we could take the nationwide 60% and reduce this number to 30%. Professor Robinson touches on the fact that we as humans are instinctively creative. Creativity is essential for a child to achieve something that is  new, distinct, and imaginative. Education professionals are being forced to follow specific guidelines of standard testing, resulting in a conclusion of what a child is capable of conforming to. Without a broad spectrum of testing we are limiting the student to his or her adaptability rather than what they naturally excel at. Good teaching habits, such as engaging students to think for themselves and motivating them to be creative, are being jeopardized by core curriculum. Robinson refers to education as a result of learning. Educating the students on how to learn, creates any environment the student is capable of thriving in. The system is lacking a variety of studies that engage creativity. Subjects such as the arts, humanities, social sciences and even things such as dance are not being recognized as crucial to a well rounded educ ation. Studies show overall test scores are substantially lower in schools that lack a variety of exploratory classes. Robinson argues, â€Å"to fully understand math science and literacy, one must explore a diverse culture of learning. Without a variety of knowledge and creativity the information taught in these core classes becomes meaningless†. The subjects focused on by standard testing cannot be accurately measured as a generalization of a child’s capabilities. He tells a story of girl who couldn’t focus in school. She was unable to sit still long enough to do any work she was being assigned. This behavior resulted in her being clinically classified as suffering from ADHD. While doing homework alone one afternoon, her parents examined her behavior unknowingly to her. After just minutes of sitting at her desk she would get up and begin to move around in a dancing fashion. Her parents then realized that there was nothing wrong with her at all, she was meant to be a d ancer. She went on to have one of the most successful dance careers of her generation. Robinson reinforces this story with the notion that all of us are created differently with unique talents; here stands the flaw of standardization. In all of the world’s greatest educational systems, there are similarities within the education culture that America has lacked. In these countries educators are being held to a higher standard and looked at as an investment. Here in the United States teachers are often looked at as a transportation of information. Throughout countries that thrive in education, it is realized that students are only as good as the teachers. Teaching curriculum is acknowledged at the school level where learning is actually taking place; in  comparison to state and government regulated districts, which are essentially disengaged with what is going on inside the classroom here in the US. Without the pressure to meet the demands of a set curriculum, students are able to become engaged in interests and talents individually. Throughout the entire lecture, Robinson invokes the point that Americas educational system is in need of reform. Our system of testing should accompany an overall goal of learning and not be held as primary evidence of a student’s potential. There are many variables that accompany a student’s capabilities besides what is being focused on as a means of evaluation. The standard testing should be held as partial review of capabilities, not as an entirety. Subjects that individual stud ents find spark their interests are being deemed unimportant, leaving the student to feel as though they are incapable of success. Courses that students find passion in will create a sense of curiosity in learning. When the light of curiosity becomes a student’s motivation is when true self learning takes place. The tragedy is that more than 60% of Americans drop out of high school feeling that they are unable to meet the requirements of life. Robinson makes clear of the fact, â€Å"Not any-one human is built the same; we are a world full of individuals†. School systems should give students the tools necessary to find what they are best at and pursue those areas they excel in. The lecture is ended by a request that we start changing the way we approach education. Begin to put learning before standards; with this movement we can tap into brilliant minds that otherwise would be ignored. Once this movement has begun we can in turn, start a revolution. Works Cited Robinson, Ken. Ted Talks.Ken Robinson: How to Escape Educations Death Valley.YouTube. YouTube, 10 May 2013. Web. 17 Sept. 2013. Robinson, Ken. Ted Talks. Sir Ken Robinson: Do Schools Kill Creativity? YouTube. YouTube, 06 Jan. 2007. Web. 17 Sept. 2013.

Reserve Officers Training Corps Essay Example for Free

Reserve Officers Training Corps Essay a. Discuss how the mission and vision of the Mapua C.W.T.S. and R.O.T. C. objectives are respectively reflected in the C.W.T.S. and R.O.T.C. activities. The C.W.T.S. activities promote social awareness and civic consciousness by going to different communities and being aware of the situation of every family that is living there. It also promotes civic responsibility, since in those communities; the students will be on a hands-on application that involves project preparation, planning and implementation at the assigned adopted communities. The students were developed to be a productive member of the community and the students are trained to face responsibly their duties and obligations. They are also able to help the less fortunate and underprivileged people in the society through working with the community. While in the activities of R.O.T.C., the students are being trained, motivated, and organized for national defense preparedness. It will be discussed to the ROTC cadets the military concepts and field drills will be conducted as the practical application. They will be engaged in activities such as map reading and land navigation, basic signal communication, unit formations, basic weapons training and pre-marksmanship training that will develop their skills and capabilities to lead, move, survive and communicate. The cadets will also participate in activities such as the Foundation Day of the Institute, Intramuros Day, Blood Letting Activity, Tree Planting Program, Alay-Lakad and the conduct of routine flag raising and retreat activities that could inculcate in the youth the spirit of patriotism and nationalism, also in developing their vital role in nation-building. And, they will be engaged in activities related to livelihood and economic development that would develop their civic consciousness and good citizenship. b. Compare and contrast the activities of C.W.T.S. and R.O.T.C. The activities of C.W.T.S. and R.O.T.C. both promotes civic consciousness, civic responsibility and good citizenship for their activities involves going to different communities to help the unprivileged and economically poor people and activities related to livelihood and economic development. In the activities of C.W.T.S., the students are trained to be the leading experts in their chosen career while acknowledging their social obligation. The students are brought up to strive for the best in their field in the aim  that their skills and talents would contribute to the upliftment of the society‘s condition. The students’ empowerment will serve as a tool in the progress of their lives as well as those of others. While in R.O.T.C., some activities like the CTIS involves training in basic intelligence, map reading and land navigation, basic signal communication, unit formations, basic weapons training and pre-marksmanship training; in their Individual/Unit Training, it trains the cadets in visual tracking, military mountaineering and jungle base operations; in their Military Values Education the conduct of routine flag raising and retreat activities, weekly conferences, critique or after action review, orientation among the parents about the program; in their Military Livelihood Enhancement are activities related to livelihood. Generally, ROTC is designed to provide military training for preparation in national defense and CWTS is like a training ground for students in becoming a productive member of the society.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Hierarchy Of Needs Theory And Equity Theory

Hierarchy Of Needs Theory And Equity Theory The topic of individual motivation has played a vital role in the management field. Motivation is seen as an integral factor of the companys performance equation. Every people have their own different motivations to work, because the employees can receive something that they need. That is can be money or the basic wages, but with the society is developing, individuals requirements are not only limited in material, but also ascend to spiritual and psychological territory stages. Some people work for right or love, the others prefer to the personal fulfillment as their goals. According to the definition of Landy, F.J, The psychological meaning of motivation is the initiation, direction, persistence, intensity and termination of behavior (1987).In managerial field, motivation can be regarded as the activities of managers lead to produce anticipant result by encourage or motivated colleagues (Henry, L. T Neal, P. M, 2003).Motivation is the cognitive decision-making process through which goal-directed behavior is initiated, energized, directed, and maintained'(Buchanan Huczynski, 2010). Motivation can be divided into extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation related to tangible rewords like security, promotion, and salary. Intrinsic motivation related to psychological rewards, for example, a sense of challenge and achievement, recognition (Mullin, 2010). There are two motivation theories this essay will mention, one is Maslows hierarchy theory, and another is Adamss equity theory. According to the survey, combine with the reality and evaluate if these two theories are appropriate and practical for the modern enterprise administration. At the same time, indicate the merit that can be reference and the limitation should be improved. It is proposed that the theory of Maslows can be motivated in developing country like China. Finally, some recommendation via integrate the two theories together. Content theories concentrate in the things that can make employees motivated. These theories highlight the elements that can impel or hinder individuals behaviors (Kinge, J, 2012). As a result, content theory aim at distinguish everybodys requirement and satisfy their needs. The needs hierarchy model is the most widely adopted. Abraham H. Maslow suggested that people have a complex set of exceptionally strong needs, that can be arranges in hierarchy (Ambrose, M. L and Kulik, C. T, 1990). Maslow assumed that motivation is separate into five level needs, physiological, safety, love, esteem and self-actualization (Kinge, J, 2012). Before to illustrate the five types of needs, there are a number of basic assumption should be noticed. The first suppose is once a lower need is satisfied, the importance of this need will decline. While, as the lower desired is fulfilled, another higher needs will emerge directly and instead of the prior one (Slocum, J.W and Hellriegel, D, 2007). Secondly, t he needs structure is very complex and influence by the emergency, such as staff reduction plan. Thirdly, higher level needs based on lower level needs are satisfied. At last, the higher the level, the more methods can be choosing to manage (Malslow, A, 1954). Maslows hierarchy of needs is the physical requirement for human, like air, food, shelter. These are the most compulsory and should be meet first. (Slocum, J. W and Hellriegel, D, 2007). According to the research of questionnaire, people focus on the physiological needs before demand a higher need. People claims that if these needs are unsatisfied, it will urge individuals attempts fulfill them (Vecchio, P. R, 2006). Security needs related to safety, stability and job security. Without safety needs, people may deal with overstress. In the absence of work guaranteed, employees who are motivated primarily will defense to accept the managers control. The superiors who notice the necessary of security needs can provide workers strong support. The third higher levels need is love and belonging. In the other words, it can be called affiliation need. When people work in the same environment, people desire for love, making friends. On the basis of the survey, most employees can be satisfied with the two lowest needs in Maslows hierarchy theory, but some of them find that it is different to establishing or get along with colleagues in a warm interpersonal relationship. Above three kinds of needs can be divides to deficiency needs. With the other two levels of Maslows hierarchy needs are classified as growth needs (Vecchio, P. R. 2006). Esteem needs are the requirement to achievement. Esteem need include the feeling of prestige and achievement. For example, a lot of leader may announce commendatory letter or reward result on the companys internal board, it can be easily to foster employees confidence and pride feeling (Slocum, J. W and Hellriegel, D, 2007). Actually, in accordance with the research, in modern society, more and more people are not only restricted to the salary or welfare of the company, but also need to respected and feel glory in a group. The top need of Maslows hierarchy need theory is self- actualization needs. It involve individuals express their potential and realize personal-value. People need to get more opportunities to practice abilities and make the skill unique in their work, The questionnaire show that the elder employees who have a certain extent work experience are much more regard this level as their needs. They can manage themselves well and find a chance to promotion due to the excellent skills. On the contrary, the equity theory is very different from Maslows hierarchy of need. The process theory tries to illustrate the actual process of motivation and the issue to encourage and maintain employees behavior (Kinge, J, 2012). Equity Theory means individuals who are considered excess return or reward will be frustrated by the difficulties in this effort to restore impaired right relationship. It focuses on whether it is equitable resource allocation among people. Social equity is a measure of internal relations, by comparing the proportion of contributions and interests of all. No matter the staffs who receive either under-payment or over payment will bring and experience distress, and this distress will rebuild the relationship between colleagues. When people feel unfair, they will never feel satisfied with their job. In 1963, Adams claims that equity model focus on an individuals feeling of low fairly she is treated in comparison with others (1963). If the relationship between the colleagues and themselves cannot solve well or treated inequitable, it means people will not satisfied with their work. The key components of equity theory are input, outcomes. Input means how much to contributes, outcomes represent that the volume or value can be received from the exchange (Slocum, J. W and Hellriegel, D, 2007). Input present contributions that employees bring to a job situation. For which the employees expect a return from their work. Input includes the personal skills, education background and experience. Outcomes are punishments and rewards that employees receive from a job. The organizations offer things like wages, salaries, payment and fringe benefits. The feeling of equity depends on whether he or she gets adequate feedback for his or her input to the company. The standard to measure the fairness of their exchange is comparing. Although various mathematical formulations have been proposed, employees are thought to feel inequity whenever their ratio of outcomes to inputs does not equal the ratio of outcomes to inputs of their referent other. Equity theory is frequently identifi ed as a vital theory for understanding employee motivation. Based on the Maslows theory and equity theory, according to their characters, the questionnaire aim to find the limitation of these two theories, check whether the two theories follow the real situation. This survey found 5 people from China as the present of developing countries, and the other people who have work experience from developed countries. Compare with the different countries development and organizations specialty to verify if Maslows theory is fit for every situation. Despite of Maslows theory and equity theory are referenced generally in management field. However, some people may argue that Maslows hierarchy needs theory cannot be supported by the evidences. Actually, not all people will climb up to an upper stage when their lower level needs are satisfied. In some cases, people prefer to maintain on the low level needs. On the other hand, the research show that Maslows hierarchy theory is not very fit for Chinese situation. It is widely known that Chinese business have a special processing structure (Carrell and Dittrich, 1978). The first can be observed is for developing country, there is an uncertain future. In addition, Maslow, the American professor came up with the motivation analysis about 65 years ago. Maslows theory has been used influential. The first argument mentioned is that in China, People focus more on relationship and have different perspectives. With the developing of China, the Chinese government attempt to build a correct spir it on employment. It making the individuals to believe work can be voluntary, creativity and higher needs. For instance, Lu (1999) claims that the most of Chinese just regard work as work. They have not been covered by the higher level need. Work make Chinese staff intense. For example, according to Xinhua News Agency report, eighteen Foxcoon employees suicides between January and November in 2010. In short, the employees of Foxconn always to work over time, whereas got the lowest payment, this situation cause high pressure living problem. That means poor management has no motivation to work even live at all. So Maslows theory does not consider the external power to damage his theory. In spite of Maslows theory has some weaknesses to evaluate the modern China society, it ignore the fact that background and cultures are always developing. Chinese employees motivation is changing over time. The manager cannot neglect the prosperity that people aim to achieve. The need of self-actualization is still an final aim of socialism. Another argument about the theory does not consider the background and culture. Gambrel and Cianci argued that Maslows theory is designed for individualism, every level of needs are the personal view and insight (2001). Hofstede (2001) state that different cultures could be differentiated by the discrepancy in what they value. Equity theory point of view there is an objective, but the fairness is a very complex problem, which is due to subjective judgment, because employees either for individual inputs and reward others inputs and reward are decided by virtue of personal feeling, and most people always overestimated themselves, underestimated the investment in others (Kinge, J. 2012). Secondly, it is a fair standard held by individuals, such as some people think should be evenly distributed, and some people think should be classified according to the degree of economic difficulties. Thirdly, it is associated with the assessment of the performance, many companies have advocated to pay compensation in accordance with the performance, and should be balanced between people, but how to judge the performance is a very difficult problem, it was suggested to be judged in accordance with the quantity and quality, so that more objective and clear, but in real life it is difficult to achieve, and sometimes have to ta ke the other method, it is related to the taxation of people, who is going to assess performance, leadership or colleagues will produce different results. As an organization more often than not to be judged by the same person, so bring a different result. Lots of criticism have questioned the simple model and consider the practical of the theory. Because the impartiality of the impact of demographic and psychological variables, some people view and interact with others. In addition, more support basic proposition of equity theory been studied in the laboratory, and in suspicious circumstances applicable to the real world (Huseman, Hatfield and Miles, 1987). Critics also believe that people can be treated fair or unfair depends on inputs and outputs, but also the terms and conditions of the whole system, determine the input and outcome. The business situation, people may feel that their employee compensation is fair, but it may be that the total compensation system unfair (Carrell and Dittrich, 1978). Although equity theory has limitations, but equity theory reveals to us the fact that, for the majority of the employees in the organization, the incentive is not only affected by their own reward, but also by their concern for remuneration, staff hope to see a reasonable return on allocated equity theory and provides a good theoretical framework for better management and organization staff, is also a leader should be noted and learned. In generally, the equity theory mentions the motivation of individual is decided by inputs and outcomes. Actually, almost everyone cannot endure unfair approach. The individuals will compare their outcomes and input perceived ratios with the people who are the same position or environment. In brief, people regards others as a objects of comparison (Scheer.L.K., Kuman, N., and Steenkamp,J,B.2002). Especially in the same department and same position this phenomenon is more significant. For example, Jay Loar, the director of program engineering at Lockheed Martin, he always works harder than others, but still receive the same wage and salary as his colleagues. (Messick, D. Cook, K. 1983). This situation makes him feel unhappy and unfair. On the other hand, the employees who are overpaid will be motivated by the pressure from social. No matter which phenomenon happen, they have changed the balance between inputs and outcomes. It is underspecified (especially in terms of the ways individ uals respond to inequity. Equity theory is based on an equity rule, for instance, those who contribute the most should receive the highest outcomes, rather than other types of rules that might determine resource allocations, such as equality, needs or hierarchy. This theory focuses on distributive justice and failure to consider the importance of procedural justice or interactional justice. Even though equity theory has a lot of criticisms, it continues to be used in research examining job attitudes and employee behavior (Gill, D, and Stone, R, 2010). Work motivation is come from different people and different work need. The motivation always brings driving force to make people work hard. Consequently, work motivation is always gives individuals power and motivation of work. Content theories of motivation relate to specific factors that motivate an individual in the workplace. In order to satisfy their needs goals are established between manager and employees. Maslows hierarchy needs theory is the foundation of peoples desire, analysis the requirement in the work but ignore some details to unite. Inequity causes the bad relationships between colleagues. Even though it looks visible to find an inequity decisions, but in reality, managers notice that equity is a complex problem that because it depends on subjective factor and the personal fair standard. And the equity is relevant to personal performance. As the equity standard, it is difficult to evaluate. Bibliography: Adams, J. S. (1963) Toward an understanding of inequity, Journal of Abnormal and social psychology, pp422-426 Ambrose, M. L Kulik. C. T. (1990) Old friends new faces: Motivation research in the 1990s, Journal of Management, pp231-237. Atkinson, J.W. (1964)Introduction to motivation. Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand. Buchanan, D Huczynski, A. 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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Letter to Teacher for On the Run by Michael Coleman :: Essays Papers

How are you? For my weekly reading of, twenty minutes reading every five days a week, I read two great books I have finished my first book called On the Run by Michael Coleman. The second book was too long and I might have to stop reading this one because it a long and high level book for me. It called The Alchemyst by Michael Scott. I read half of it. This book is about Luke Reid, which is fifteen years old, who had been under arrest for theft more times than he can remember. His talent of picking lock has always helped him. One day there was a pair of remarkable shoes in the 4X4 car, so he starts picking the lock that he was successful at with easy. Just when he was about to grab the shoes these neighborhood thugs, know as Lee Young and Mig Russell, they intersected him and toke the car. When leaving they all most killed the Owners daughter, if it was not for Luke she would died. Luke is caught and is take to juvenile court there he was sentenced the most unusual sentence ever to any one. Luke is to help the carÂ’s ownerÂ’s daughter, Jodi who has been blind since infancy, acting as her guide runner in an upcoming marathon. Does Luke take this chance of changing or does he pass it and run away breaking a heart of poor girl who would rather died by him then get betray by him. Luke because he has been thought a metaphors that surprised me and most readers also. Was it good or not it for you to find out? Protagonist is depended on antagonist because protagonist is a good person, hero, the best, etc. To be a good person, hero, or best there must be other who will be against protagonist. These characters are antagonist. Protagonist is most of the time noting without antagonist. Antagonist is noting with protagonist because they are against them so both are depended on each other. The police officer that caught Luke was on tough man. He must have been hard working to caught Luke. Time play a very important role in this book. It all if he was faster or if he had more time. The places did not matter as much. It could be changed if given a little thought into it and the story would still would be the some.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Matilda :: essays research papers

Matilda Directed by Danny DeVito Matilda is a family comedy which takes place somewhere in the USA during the nineties. Matilda is a brilliant girl neglected by her stupid, self-involved parents. Ignored at home, Matilda takes interest in reading and she develops telekinetic powers. Eventually, her insensitive parents send her to a school run by the cruel Miss Trunchbull. Matilda befriends her schoolteacher, Miss Honey. She soon realizes Matilda's talents, but is later amazed to see the full extent of Matilda's powers. I think that Matilda is the most colorful character in the movie. Matilda is very independent for her age, due to her parents’ irresponsibility, and she manages to keep her head up and not let her parents put her down. The young actress, Mara Wilson, does a great performance with her interpretation of Matilda. I believe that she makes the character come to life. Matilda’s family is the kind of family you’d never wish to have. Her father, Harry, and mother, Zinnia, are both conceited and don’t care about anyone but themselves, except Michael of course, their son and Matilda’s older brother. He is a spoilt brat who’s mean to Matilda and who likes to cause trouble. Miss Trunchbull is the vicious principal who hates the pupils in the school; especially Matilda after Harry sold a car to Miss Trunchbull and she discovered it’s not in good condition. Miss Honey, Matilda’s teacher, must be the most wonderful person in the whole movie. She’s one of those teachers you’d be really lucky to have and she’s a complete opposite to Miss Trunchbull. The special effects in the movie contain flying objects. Most of them are hard to see just how they are done, which in other productions can be quite obvious and might ruin the whole film. Personally, I like the movie. It is funny at some points where you can’t help but smile or laugh.